Opportunities for Techno-Theology
When I was in my early 20s, I went to a church in Northridge that had – for the first time I’d ever seen – a projector showing song lyrics during the worship service. I had been involved in tech for quite a while and had been involved in my local church for even longer. Never…
The Digital Community – Is It “All That?”
Ok. So I get that it took me way too long to blog after my last Theology After Google teaser. You have my apology. Mostly. While you’re getting irritated with me, know that what I’m about to blog are the class notes from last week’s class. Ok. Get mad. Ready, go. Now that we’re done…
5 Things you Don’t Want to Hear from your Dentist
So yesterday I went to the dentist. I’m not big on dentists – no offence to any dentist readers. It’s my own fear. Lots of people feel the same way. The good news about my dentist is that his office is right next to an In-N-Out. Sweet! And, the way parking turned out last night,…
Something New with Theology and Tech!
So I’ve been a geek for a long time. I don’t need to water it down. If it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, it’s a duck! I walk like a geek and talk like a geek, so I must be a geek!! I’ve been a freelance IT consultant for a number…
Delta and the Value of Service
So we’re on vacation. We’re not even back yet, still in flight as I type this. We’ll see if I can get it posted while we’re still in flight or I have to wait until we land. Edit: Didn’t get online while airborne. Landed; drove home; now posting. Anyway… We flew to Orlando to spend…
Junk Food Labels
Beth went to the store and got some cookies. Have you ever seen the labels on those things?
And So It Begins
I’ve been working long and hard toward the possibility of becoming an Ordained Pastor, and now I’m at a pretty big step. I’m from the United Methodist tradition, so there’s a long history on what has turned out to be a long and not-without-its-rewards process. AND, did I mention that it’s a LONG process?! Those…
Saying Goodbye
So I’m not sure how I feel about this. We were out and about when Lyz sent me a text telling me that Michael Jackson had died. And I’m kind of… I don’t know, I just feel different. I love music. I’m so deeply engaged in music. I say with conviction that I don’t think…
Health Care in the World’s Richest Nation
Beth’s been receiving bills lately. Now, I know that we all have to pay our bills. She’s been receiving bills from a doctor’s office because her insurance isn’t paying it. She received some lab services through her doctor’s office and it seems the insurance company didn’t think it would be important to test to see…
Take Me Home
Ok. It’s come to my attention that those who read this on Facebook aren’t able to listen to the song. For those people, follow this link to the native blog. Take Me Home. It’s very nearly one of my best songs, and clearly the best on my original demo. It’s not uncommon (maybe even typical?)…