Tweeting Customer Dissatisfaction
Know ahead of time that I’m ranting. I know it. I own it. I’m staying at the Doubletree hotel in Orlando for a training event, and found on my arrival that the curved rod holding up the shower curtain was pulling out of the wall in such a way that I could see the threads…
Being More Christian: Loving the LGBT Community
I’ve been a member of a church my whole life. My grandfather was a pastor, his brother was a pastor, and there were others before them. And now I’m a pastor. I serve a fairly large church in Grand Island, Nebraska. The good life. On a stick. I’m also a United Methodist. My grandfather &…
Mainline Hope
In the midst of membership decline among many mainline denominations, there’s hope & possibility.
The “E” Word
The perception of evangelism seems to me to be pretty bleak. Is it possible to think of evangelism as anything other than a four-letter-word?
What Happened to Miracles?
All four of the Gospels tell a story of Jesus feeding thousands of people with an incredibly small about of food. How did he do it, and where are his miracles today?
Elevator Talk
In a class this semester, we were asked to write a short blurb about our theological convictions. The catch was that it had to be an “Elevator Talk.” Think of it this way. Imagine you get into an elevator and punch the button for your floor. It’s a pretty big building and it’ll take a…
Moving To the Country…
I remember that song that came out in 1995: “Moving to the country, gonna eat a lotta peaches…” The video’s here. My favorite part is the ninjas at the end!! Now you may be wondering what this is all about, and perhaps I’m offering humor as a sort of distraction from something that’s difficult to…
Jesus Loves Gay Porn Stars
Yup. I said it. Jesus loves gay porn stars. And what’s more, I believe it! A friend, classmate, and author named Steven Luff gave me a T-shirt just the other day with that saying on it, and it made me think. Just how far does Jesus’ love go? Is it possible that Jesus could really…
I wrote a few weeks ago about the Profound Disappointment I was feeling after hearing that I did not pass the interview portion of examination for Commissioning in the Cal-Pac Conference of the UMC. And the responses have been overwhelming! More than once, I have been moved to tears… In that manly way of course. 😉…
Profound Disappointment
In this process toward ordained ministry, I underwent a psychological assessment that determined that I top out the introvert/extrovert scale. And guess which end I was on? <insert my best imitation of a smile here> So it may make sense that I begin to process this profound disappointment in an outward way. To be honest,…