Summer Camps
Have you ever had one of those days… one of those weeks… one of those months… one of those several-months-in-a-row where you feel like everything is happening at once? Yeah, that’s us. So. I did two summer camps this year, and while I was happily away frolicking with friends Beth and Cameron were working magic. Not…
…and Another!
I was listening to the radio yesterday and a talk show host named Johnny Wendell shared another interesting idea related to our current energy woes. First he tossed out some figures, so let’s go over those and assume that they’re correct (’cause I’m not gonna take the time now). He says that one-in-six Americans work…
Interesting Idea for Energy
Watching the news today, I saw an add from a guy named T. Boone Pickens saying that he had an idea about energy and the way we use energy in the U.S. I couldn’t resist checking out his website, and I have to say that it’s a very interesting idea. Click the image here to…
New Amp!
So I’m really excited… I got a new guitar amp a few days ago and it flippin rocks! I’ve spoken with several guitar players that I respect a great deal. They all had many things to say, and two of them were consistent with everyone: Go out and play some amps. Tubes. Tubes? There are…
Dramatically One-Sided Political Video
Bring your sense of humor for this one! This is from a website called “I’m Voting Republican” and is loaded with satirical humor… You can visit their website by clicking here.
Annual Conference
The church of which I am a part holds a conference each year where pastoral and lay (non-pastoral) leadership gather together to celebrate ministry and deal with various administrative issues as well as ordain new clergy. This isn’t just one church, but representation for roughly 400 churches in Southern California plus several Pacific Island locations. …
Wow! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’m sorry about that. We spent a week with some friends at their parents’ house down in San Felipe, Mexico. It was a difficult week. I was there to work (yes it’s true). Our goal was to share the incoming satellite internet connection between two…
Where to Sing
Last night I put Cameron to bed. I do this often. We have monitors that we use in case he has a bad dream, cries, needs something, etc. About 45 minutes after I put him in bed, I heard singing from the monitor! Singing is clearly not sleeping, so I knew that I had to…
Something New
I’ve got a new page here (or click the “Bob’s Music” link above). Leave a comment on the page & share your thoughts…
Who’s a Nazi?
President Bush appeared to launch a political attack against Presidential hopeful Barack Obama and his Foreign Policy statement that he was willing to be in dialogue with any nation who was willing. Bush said: Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been…